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Phoenix Aerial AL3-16 UAV LiDAR Mapping System Overview

Phoenix Aerial AL3-16 UAV LiDAR Mapping System OverviewThis video is an overview of the Phoenix Aerial AL3-16 LiDAR Mapping system. The AL3-16 can be mounted on any UAV that can lift 2.5kgs. In this video, a DJI S1000 is used and for the demonstration, we flew over…...Read more

#Videos #aeriallidar #AerialMapping #dji #DJImapping #DJIS1000 #drone #dronelidar #Dronemapping #drones #ESRI #GIS #PhoenixAerial #PhoenixLiDAR #riegl #RieglVux #uav #UAVLiDAR #UnmannedAerialVehicleAircraftType #VehicleLidar #Velodyne #VelodynePuck